About me...

Btw, you can call me "G", easier to pronounce for non-Hispanic speaking readers.


  • Ironman age group triathlete
  • Currently living in Stockholm, Sweden
  • Engineering Manager @ Klarna Bank AB (Join us!)


As an engineer

Started my career as a Java developer. When Struts was a thing, and the Spring framework was the new kid in town. Then transitioned into vanilla Javascript, mainly using Prototype and jQuery. Fast forward several years, and I found myself hating Angular as we all did when it changed completely after version 2.

That's when I converted to React. Unlike most developers, I didn't start with react-dom, but with react-native instead. I was looking for an alternative to my Angular/Ionic mobile app. Therefore I am definitely more used to styling inside JS files and thinking about composing UI rather than heavily relying on the DOM.

Nowadays I am on my path to becoming a great leader and engineering manager. After over a decade of being an IC, I found that following that path led to marginal gains in learning. Therefore, here I am, back to being a novice. This time, helping others to become great.

Feel free to browse my resume if you'd like to take a closer look.

As a triathlete

Growing up, I was never the athletic type. I mean sure, I was a bit active, but it was mostly roller skating and stunt jumping on my bike. Which kid isn't? But let's just say that after hitting 15 years old, I was mostly playing video games and on a path of being mostly sedentary.

Fast forward to 2018, and I am enrolled in my first Sprint Triathlon. After 6 months of training (in which I learned to swim properly), I was ready to "try this triathlon thing". After finishing 3rd in my local age group race, I was hooked. At the time of writing this, I've finished 4 70.3 Ironmans, and I am getting ready for an awesome 2024 season.

But why? What's the point? Well, for me it is all about self-improvement. Getting fitter and stronger for each race. Witnessing firsthand what I am capable of. Remember that 15-year-old sedentary kid? Well, this is me re-writing that history. Now I am almost 40, and I plan to compete in Kona as an age grouper before my 50s. Work hard. Play hard.

Sweden? Dude your name sounds Hispanic

Good catch. Indeed I am not from the Nordics, but actually from the Caribbean. Caracas, Venezuela to be precise. But before coming here I used to live in the Dominican Republic where I met and married the love of my life.